Creator Akira Toriyama worked on the original concept, story, and character designs for the all-new anime series, Dragon Ball DAIMA. Goku and his friends are turned small by Gomah’s conspiracy and set off on an adventure in an unknown world: the Demon Realm. At the end of episode 9, a brand-new character named Majin Kuu appeared. As the story is set in motion within the Demon Realm, expectations for Dragon Ball DAIMA continue to rise. Stay tuned for a never-before-seen Dragon Ball that the world has been waiting for!
In episode 8, Goku and his companions defeated Tamagami Number Three and got their hands on one of the Third Demon World’s Dragon Balls. During episode 9, word spreads throughout the Demon World, making Goku and the others an even larger target. Meanwhile, Bulma, Vegeta and Piccolo, who had remained on Earth, arrive to the Demon Realm with the guidance of Hybis. Around that time, Majin Kuu was created in the First Demon World as a result of Dr. Arinsu and Great Witch Marba’s research...
Majin Kuu appeared at the end of episode 9, saying only “Understood.” Tomokazu Seki was announced as the VA, and we’ve received a comment from the man himself!
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